Ghemon tells…Gianluca

LiveAll reported on a special evening with Ghemon, a first experimentation that saw him connect different artistic territories with music and speech.

July 20, 2022: Ghemon welcomed the audience to a one-and-a-half-hour show in which he sang his songs and recounted the last months of his life with irony and lightness.

The artist chose to shut himself away for a month at the Casa degli Artisti, a multifunctional work space for making connections, contamination, and opportunities to promote his own research, and which offers anyone who wants to make art the chance to find a place to study, create, and find inspiration.

Ghemon’s performance closed the C-Side review, a musical proposal that is inspired by the B-Side of vinyl records, the side on which the more research-oriented songs are usually found, but in a more contemporary key. This year’s review represents the return of the work the artists produced during their residency period in the music atelier.

On this special evening we met Gianluca, rather than Ghemon, who welcomed a small audience and experimented with new sounds approaching soul and drawing on the theme ”The Human Nature” as inspiration for next-generation lyrics.

Ghemon, considered one of the most talented and appreciated Italian hip hop artists, over the years has implemented a continuous renewal of his very personal musical style: starting from rap he then mixed it with soul, funk, jazz and Italian music, becoming a unique artist in the Italian scene.